Chip Porter Chip Porter lives and breathes Southeast Alaska. He was born in rainy Ketchikan, the first Alaskan port on the incredible Inside Passage. It rains 160 plus inches a year in Ketchikan and although Chip doesn't like to admit it he has fish-like gills and webbed feet.

For over 50 years Chip has wandered the many bays and inlets, mountains and valleys, lakes and glaciers that make up Southeast's unique rain forest ecosystem. His love of the outdoors and passion for exploring, hiking and climbing has afforded him opportunities for picture taking that few could even imagine. A knack for being in the right place at the right time, combined with a critical artist's eye help Chip capture his amazing images.

Chip has been a successful commercial fisherman, sport-fishing guide, writer and photographer. He is retired now but he was a stock photographer for Getty Images, Tony Stone Images and Alaska Stock Images. His work has been published world-wide.